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I want my Love on top of me.

A lickle audio that survived laptops dying and Tumblr censorship like




Holy shit yes! On a thursday? Thank you🔥🔥


Literalmente estaba por ir a dormir, que perfecta forma de terminar el día 😋


Yep! I can definetly recognize that vintage microphone sound with that sexy voice I meet Gael back then 🥺❤👌#gaelforlife

Fati Ma

Omg! The way you explain every detail with your sexy voice is unbelievable 💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋


I love to listen to your older audio's..thank you for this


I've given up trying to have a music player on my phone it's more of Gael Audio player now 😆😆 not safe for public use


You've grown so much! 😈😉😂


That was really nice 🥺 I love it when you’re rough and dirty with your words…


You've come so far... In audio quality I mean 😏 😂 so many treasures being uncovered from the old lappy, lots of treats for us! 😍


I always like these because it sounds like I'm listening directly to you on the phone. Especially when you make grunting sounds when you pretend to thrust.


Were these audios recorded with your phone ? Bc the sound of your voice (it’s so pure but also very filthy) is one of the reasons why I love your oldies…. Please don’t hesitate revisiting in case you find more from those years …


🥂To Gaelforce.🥂 Yesterday, today and always. 😍🥰


Ooh! Super Sexy Hot!...All the raw, dirty details!!🙃😋

Betsy ♍

I could feel the pressure of your body against mine, like you were next to me😐the contrast of your beautiful, sexy, calm voice saying the nastiest of words is a fuckin deadly combo...low-tech, honest filth...this one is new to me😍wanna hear you uncensored baby


Very sexy Gael! So glad you found this one and shared it with us! Thank you!😊❤


Same here.😅 I am using the Musicolet player (I can recommend it, btw) exclusively for Gael audios (plus 2 or 3 non-Gael filthy audios).


Santa's sack overfloweth today, huh?😂💋❤

Kathy Mc

This was hot as holy hell! What else is in Santa's sack? Jesus Christ, I could feel every minute of that!💞💞💖💖🔥🔥🔥


Ooooh now do My Pleasure Toy!

Another Other Jen

I love these Lost Audios! As someone who hasn’t been around here that long, (Patreon says 2 years but it also says I made my account in 2020, so I think it’s closer to a year and a half—and that fits the general timeline of that catastrophic year) anyway, it’s fun to get a glimpse into those earlier times I missed out on, and dang, I’m not sure I’d’ve known this was an older audio, if you hadn’t labeled it that. Except, I think I can see a little of the evolution from the very good ‘narration’ in your older stuff to the more immersive style you use these days, where it feels like a real dialogue, a conversation, even when there’s no words, that the listener gets to be part of, rather than just listening to someone describing a scene and events. I’m perpetually impressed with how you do that. Not even kidding, part of me sticking around is me trying to figure out how you make your narratives feel like something to lose myself in, to laugh at, be turned on by, take comfort from, instead of a weird, stiff, awkward list of just, details and commands, where I’m sitting there going ‘I wouldn’t do that,’ ‘I wouldn’t wear that,’ ‘I wouldn’t go there,’ ‘you can’t tell me what to do.’ (My parents are hippies, I’ve listened to a lot of guided imagery/hypnosis/past life regression sort of thing in my life.) The larger part of me being here is, of course, just that I really like what you’re doing, your new stuff and the lost gems like this. ❤️

Ashlee Kranz

G, I can’t help wondering how much of these sound effects you make yourself vs. downloaded sources, then imagining the recording sessions!


These older ones have this unique intimacy and closenes in them, love love love them ❤️💚


Love your erotic surprises specially on days when we don't expect them and your old recordings are OG and it shows how much you've grown and developed but the voice is still as sexy as hell 😍 no matter what the mic quality, it is your voice that does the magic not the mic 😋🤤💕💕 Plz keep them OG audios cumming 😌


OMG these OG audios are SO HOT. I’ve left this comment before, but they have a warm, raw, crackly sound, it’s like the difference between listening to a vinyl record and a cd. So delish! And, you got me good in this one! When you said in the audio that you wanted to see The Muse licking her lips/biting her bottom lip I was at that’s exact second doing that exact thing! I was like 😮!!! HOW DID HE KNOW?!?! Loving these throwbacks!!! ❤️❤️❤️


God I miss pre-yahoo Tumblr x___x


I love you reposted this. !