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Just to let ye know what's been happening....




Ohh dear I hope you're doing okey ❤️ Please take care


take care gael 🥺


Nooooo, so heartbreaking hearing you were in such unpleasant condition 💕🥺 wish you will be fine soon, stay healthy. Thank you for sharing it💕


I had a small split on the joint of my pinky a long time ago from having a tetherball hitting the outside of my hand. 6 weeks in a cast signing the letter K the whole time 😂 glad to see that it’s getting better and that your training made the situation less serious than it could of been. But honestly, going this long without breaking a bone? I applaud you sir 👏


Holy shit, G!! Hope 2022 is kinder to you after this unfortunate accident ☹️ Sending you all the ~healing vibes~ I can ❤️


Don't lie you were trying to do parkour get well soon

Gri (Sassy_One)

Take care of yourself, lad. We love ye❤️


Oh🥺 I hope that you will be okay, take care G... thanks for sharing your situation You are so strong! All the good vibes for you✨ 🌱☕


OK, very important question....was it your wanking arm? But seriously, I'm glad you are healing and will be back to no good soon enough. Take care ye!


Ya poor ting! What a start for 2022! 🥺 I kind of felt that you've probably got covid but a broken elbow too! Sending you prayers and healing vibes and kisses on elbow to pass this and to feel better and stronger 🍀💚🍀💚💕💕💪💪💋💋 Which elbow did you land on? I hope it's not your left arm. But thank goodness it's not serious and that you're healing well ❤ I'm glad you've strong bone.....s 😜😂


Wishing you a fast recovery and a good heal up 🍀 take your time!


Oh good lord, mister mayor, careful on that tile. I’ll light a candle for your wee bones 🕯 🦴 I remember that snap when I broke my wrist, and when my little one broke fell and broke his wrist in the same exact spot. I will never forget the wrong shape of his arm after picking him up & carrying him to the car 😭 Yes we know, we know you hate painkillers but you gotta consider the cost/benefit. I’m glad you gave in and took a half Tylenol (probably) Sleep & rest is the UTMOST important for mending those bones. Mama bear out 😂


Get well soon !!🥺❤️


I hope you feel better soon take care of yourself we love you 😍🥰😇


I was getting some weird vibes about you because you were a bit inactive, and yes, I was a bit worried, I hope you get better soon, it's very nice to hear you well after all, take your time and take good care of yourself! ♡♡♡


Awww G, thank goodness it wasn't worse but I don't blame you for keeping it on the DL until you knew the extent/treatment plan. I've a friend whose daughter did this and it ended up compressing a vein or artery in her arm and there were surgeries and it was a bit scary for a bit. So yes, gratitude and rest are the orders of the day, definitely. That said, it's so good to hear your voice and get an update. Happy to pray for your bone too 🙏🤣😈


Okayyyyy. As you wish. I’m praying for your bone 😂 But seriously, take care G. and be happy. That’s all we want 😘 That doggie image tho 😍


Thanks for the update. Got worried for ya. What a relief that you are doing better. You be sure to rest your bone. Bones.🤣😂


Thank goodness for lucky 🍀 breaks. Just like the hairline fracture my son got when he went up on the fridge to get the cookies!


The fact that you're making bone-jokes, laughing and giggling sets my heart at peace, it tells you're def on the mend 🤭😏 I got a fracture in my left elbow as a kid and even that hurt like h#@*, so I can imagine some of the things you've gone through. I actually thought you had the flu 😅 Thank goodnes it was only a covid scare and not the actual bully. You just take it easy and at your own pace okay Luv 💖🤗🥰 Giving you warm healing hug and a cup of tea ❤️


Thanks for the update! Keep taking care of you! We're not going anywhere 🤗💜😊


I hope Seanie can hear us: The stage is yours luv ☠️😂😆


Oh jeez! Speedy bone healing to you! As others have commented, I too was getting a sense that something was more wrong with you than getting a heavy cold. You must've been kind of freaking out until you knew it wasn't as serious as it might've been! So good to hear from you. Grateful and happy you're back!!! 💗


Oh, my goodness Gael, here was me thinking you just had a cold or something, and come to find out it's a broken elbow! Sheesh! I'm glad the break wasn't as bad as it could've been, but please take care of yourself. we don't want anything bad happening to our lovely Mayor. Here is a get-well-soon hug just for you, and a kiss on the cheek for good measure.


aw please take care of yourself!


Awww, boo-boo kisses for you, G 💋 btw, I listened to this with my 5 month old, and he is now smitten with you just as I am 😂 he grinned so big at the “bye bye” at the end 🥰😂❤️ feel better, we love you!! 🤗


Oh dear Gael, I really hope you get better soon. Take care of yourself and rest well.


Oh, you poor baby!😧 I was hoping it wasn't covid! Glad the scare is over. But a break! Oh no, you poor thing. Falls can be so scary. I'm really sorry for your injury. I'm giving your elbow a gentle kiss.😙💪 Hope you felt it.🥰❤ Please rest it!! Oh, and, this one's for you.🎶🙏🤗❤ https://youtu.be/TDyiREoBw0o Love you, G.❤❤❤❤


Thanks for all yer well wishes! As I said though I’ve had no pain at all only inconvenience so I am full of gratitude! It could have been really bad but my reflexes saved me, bless them! 😃


Ouch, G! 🥺 Get your rest, love. Glad to hear it wasn't any worse but that's still no fun. We'll see you soon, Mayor. ❤️


I think restrictions in England are still in place but they’re about to be lifted. Here in Scotland, we’re pretty much going the same way as no one wants to follow the rules anymore. Sorry to hear about your elbow! Glad you’re on the mend


Oh my god same here!! I can’t visit my grandma because my cousins got covid and they live with her so 🤷‍♀️ I gotta wait . I’m so sorry for your arm 💕💕 wtf they had you waiting for a few days because of covid? This is bizarre honestly!! At the end of the day COVID is treatable!! A broken bone is an absolute emergency and the sooner you get it treated the better . I hope your elbow heals perfectly well and fast ❤️❤️ I’ll tell something about the flu this year it’s actually stronger so I don’t blame you 😂💕please take proper needed rest and take care of yourself 💕 stay safe gael


A little prayer for yer bone 😄💚 Stay strong. Stay stiff! 😝 Lovely elbow, you are a gift. 🎁 In a cast, please heal fast. May great health find you at last. Bodies bow, muscles bend Oh bones, stay sturdy til the end! ~ Thank you for sharing this lickle update. Ankles, wrists, elbows...joints take ages to heal. But it sounds like you've already got a great plan post-cast. So very glad you're not in pain, or at least it sounds like minimal pain. Take it easy, lemon squeezey! I know you're probably tired of 'getting some rest' but hey! Better now than later. Make sure that bone's set properly and you're not getting ahead of your own body's healing time. 💕


Oh man, how's everything happening to you at the same time😅 Take care! Hope it gets better and you get to rest well!💜☺


✨🙏 praying 🙏✨ for your strong bone 🤣🤣🤣😉


Oh no your poor elbow! ❤️‍🩹😢 I’m glad it wasn’t more serious and you knew how to break the fall, the training came in handy! It’s so helpful to have those instincts. We’re grateful for your strong bones too 🦴🥲🥰 I hope you fully recover soon! 🤗🤍


Yes let’s all pray to your bone 😁 Aaah I’m so glad you avoided worse injuries by knowing how to fall. I remember that being one of the first things the teacher made us do 😌 I’m happy too that its healing good. I know you always keep these things a little bit quiet until its not so bad anymore but you always tell us when you’re ready 🤗 I hope your elbow continues to heal 💕 And that you’ll have a lovely weekend.


Yikes! Wishing you a full recovery.


I know you'll get well soon, you're strong enough, G! I wish I could bring you some soup, only if I could🥺Praying for your bones😂❤


Oh dear Gaelie ☹️❤️‍🩹 Your poor lil elbow. I’m so sorry to hear you went through all of that, but I’m very happy that you’re recovering and doing much better now. Now I’ll have to remember to pray for your bone, for I’m not sure what we’d do without it 😌 Please take care and hoping you always stay safe, happy and healthy! Gaelandia fairy sending you lots of healing love, hugs, kisses, and well wishes 😚💚🍀


Wow gael, super glad the break wasn't worse, I'm glad it is healing well☺️ hope you are staying healthy, can't wait for you to be back in business again!!🤍


Yikes! Take care of yourself...we're currently waiting on covid tests to come back from teachers at my son's daycare. 😞 I've never broken a bone, but I landed on my knee at work tripping over a puppy on a home visit this last August. That took a while to get range of motion back and was painful.


Oh my goodness... ouch! So sorry to hear about your elbow but so, so glad it wasn't something worse. Glad you dodged the covid bullet too. Take your time coming back, you and your elbow are much more important. We will always be here. 😊 Thank you for the update... I won't say i was worried.... but... I was concerned which can lead to worry... so thanks for stopping me from going down the worry hole. 😁❤


Having listened to your rambles and the stories about your adventures and mischief as a kid I was very surprised to hear that this was the first time you've ever broken a bone! I'm glad to hear you're okay! 🤗💗 Can we make a deal, no more running or driving in the dark please?


I am thankful to hear that you were not injured more seriously, may the Goddess bless you, and hold you in the palm of her hand as you mend. Be Well Gael


Gaelie 🥺 may I wrap you in bubble wrap? I'm glad you're not feeling too bad, please take care of yourself and your precious bones! 🤗 Sending you so many gentle hugs! My mom broke her wrist badly before Christmas, we didn't know for a while if she'd need surgery, so I understand what you said. But a little funny story for you: the next day she had to come in for a check up, and she was very nervous of course, so I said I'll go with her (they let me come to the hospital with her cause numbers weren't that bad back then and I'm fully vaccinated). So the waiting room is almost empty, but as soon as we sit down, the elderly lady opposite of me, who had a broken wrist as well, starts talking and talking and talking and telling me her entire life story, and I was super tired, cause it was early and I'd spent hours the night before in the hospital with my mom already. Anyway, she then suddenly goes "and you know what, dear? As soon as I get this fucking cast off, I'll go and see the Chippendales!" 🤣


With your childhood, this is the first time you’ve ever broken a bone?! Gotta love it! Glad you’re on the mend, Mr. Mayor!


Good lord! We hit the 2020's and everything just want to come at us all at once. It did my heart good to hear your laughter. I was really worried about you but grateful for your great reflexes. Sending good vibes and prayers for your poor funny bone and wishing you a speedy recovery. Very happy it wasn't covid. I think at this point we all know someone who's had a run in with covid. And just thank you so much for letting us know you're ok. Sending a 💥❤🤗 your way friend and tell Seanie to share his chocolate milk with ye.


Speedy recovery, Gael! Kisses for your elbow 😘


Good to hear your voice, Mr. Mayor! Don't forget our group of friends has "strong bones" too, so don't worry about material and such. We are all good knowing that you are! Elbow avoiding hugs across the sea!🤗


Btw - I'd like to see the state of the tiles and the cast/splint please 😁🤪 I promise, we will not make jokes or anything! 😜


I don’t pray but boy, I am saying an Om for your bone. Atomic heart hugs babe.

Sweet Phantasy

Very sorry to hear of your injury! So glad to hear your on the road to recovery (for God's sake, don't slip and fall on the road). We all send white light of health to follow you thru the rest of the year! 💖. 💜. 💛. 💙.


Sending you healing vibes and hugs, G! 🤗 ❤️ I sprained my ankle back in September and it was a struggle to get x-rays done all by myself so I totally understand, but I'm glad you're healing well and on the mend now. I've been isolating since after Christmas too as most of my family and friends have gotten covid, but thankfully they're OK now and only had mild symptoms. Please take all the time you need and we'll always be here for you! Praying for your boner, err bones 😂 🤗 We love you 😘 ❤️


Oof! 😬 I'm sorry about your elbow. Well, at least like you said, it wasn't any worse. Thank you for the update, Gael. You take care, okay 🤗💖


Thank you for letting us know how you are at the moment🧡and I'm so sorry that happened to you🥺 Thanks to your strong physical resistance that the incident wasn't serious!🙏🏻 I send my respective prayers for your bone...s😅, please keep taking care of yourself and relax a little more while you keep recovering🌈🌈🌈and again thanks for the update 🤗 💕


You must have had a good fright that night, we all glad that you are recovering fast now. Please take care of yourself. Sending love to ye way yay 😀🥰


So I guess 2020, 2021 and 2022 are turning out to be triplets, huh? I am so sorry about your injury and happy you are on the mend. Unfortunately, my mothering instinct is like the Incredible Hulk. So even though everyone is being very sweet, I just have to get this out: What the fuck, Gael??!! If you were my kid I'd be smacking you upside the head! Don't you know that silence/not knowing is WORSE than disappointment? I was worried to death: I just KNEW you had COVID or worse. I figured you weren't talking because you weren't able to. How did you think we would respond if you had to have surgery or something and had to be in a cast for a few months? Do you not understand that we aren't going anywhere??? Ok, I feel better now I've got that off my chest. Seriously, though, the most important thing is that you take care of yourself. And please remember that the same message you always give us applies to you, as well: you are NEVER alone. Muchos bezos y abrazos❤️❤️💋💋💋🥰


Adore you, Gael. Recover quick for us


Dear oh dear so you need to rest yourself up mate. I'm glad it healing but let us know because then good vibes etc can be coming your way. As for England you are spot on restrictions were lifted a couple of days ago, just after I completed 10 days lockdown for having Covid that Boris has cracking timing. And we know you have strong bones 👌🤣 but please do look after them properly.


Yikes Gaelie!!! *gentle hugs avoiding your elbow* So sorry that happened to you but also so glad it wasn’t a worse break and the pain was minimal and you’re on the mend ❤️❤️❤️ (And that you dodged COVID 🙏🏻) I took Judo in college and I loved it, and I know exactly what you mean about the break falls; it’s instinct. Knowing how to fall has saved me arse more than once *knocks wood*. Thank you for checking in, we’re not going anywhere, always here for ya 💕🫂 Sending lots of Love and Healing Energies and Prayers for yer bone 🥰🙏🏻😉


I hope you heal soon Gael!!❤️


Damn. I hope you have a speedy recovery, lion ❤


Gosh 🥲 the whole having to wait to get treatment kinda freaked me out, i would have panicked most likely. I really hope it doesn't hurt too much :( relax for now, and get better soon <3 Btw the mention of jiujitsu really caught my attention, i love martial arts, although i could never learn any. I wish i did because every time i fall, i fall terribly and always get hurt bad xD I'd also love to be able to whack some weirdos i meet >:)


So glad you're on the mend. Take care of your bones ;)


Oh 🥺❤️‍🩹 I hope you recover soon and don't forget to rest Gael! 🥰🥺 Gentle kisses for your elbow 😘❤❤ Love you~❤❤


Oh no! I pray for your bones! ❤️‍🩹😂 Glad your elbow is in the way to recovery and it wasn’t anything too serious! Thanks for the update G! You take care of yourself 💖


Oooooof, I’m sorry to hear that!! Glad it isn’t tooooo bad, but surely not how you were imagining starting the year off. Sending you all the healing vibes!


First, I'm so sorry that you got hurt but elated that you're ok. I must admit when you said you hurt your elbow my first thought was, "is it his arm he uses for work?" I know, I'm terrible forgive me 😭 Get better my sweet, get rest and don't be stubborn! 🤗💚🩹💪


Agreed, my mom antennae were going crazy, I even mentioned it on Twitter, said I was very worried. I'm next in line for that caring smacking upside the head.🤭


Feel better soon! Make sure to look after yourself and take time to recoup. Hope you feel better soon!


This whole past year has been such a wild ride for you! Hopefully the rest of 2022 brings some goodness and no more housing issues, drowned cars, illness or broken bones! But I knew exactly what you meant hoping someone would bring you soup! That’s one thing I hate about being single and living alone. When I’m sick I’m the one taking care of myself. My damn cats never lift a finger!


Thank you for letting us know, I had assumed that you had possibly gotten COVID and you lost your voice, so there was that underlying concern that we all have for you. Elbow breaks are tricky, so glad you got lucky with that, you definitely have good reflexes and strong "bones" though I did have the thought pop in my head, wonder if that was the working arm? Take care of you, and that snapping sound, I kinda had that about almost 10 years ago, wasn't paying attention, walked into a pole, which threw off my balance, knee went out and I fell, as I'm going down I feel a plastic like pop in my foot, you know that pop you get when you bend a piece of plastic back and forth til it breaks, felt/sounded like that, well, first thought as I'm going down, my shoe broke, second thought was tennis shoes don't break. Long story longer, I managed to break the cartilage piece in the middle of the foot that holds the whole thing together, called a linsfranc fracture, hey, if you're gonna do it, do it right. Lots of complications happened from surgery, almost died from a DVT that became a PE, ended up in the hospital for a week, but that actually saved me as they found the beginnings of cervical cancer, and that got taken care of before it could even take hold, so while a lot happened, it was all for the best. Anyway, almost 10 years later, and I'm still here, granted my foot is now wider then it was, but I can walk, and every day above ground is a good day. So as I like to say, Carpe the hell out of that Diem, and glad you're okay. Take care of you my friend, as we all love you


least they can do is make you some soup, but I'm sure they just give you that look like, dramatic human, go get my dinner

Jenice Coffey

So I am just getting over covid. It sucks. I isolated for two weeks. Then I found out I have Tennis elbow So I feel for you. I hope you get better


I am thankful for the update Gael and I'm also glad that you're feeling better. I'm sorry if it has been an adjustment having to adapt to this but the Universe always seems to slow us down when we need rest. So, I hope you do rest and heal properly. Sending you lots of light, and yes, a prayer for your bone too. 🙏😇😊


Defo our strong GaeliLeo 💪🏼🦁✨ I think we just know bout the Covid thing, just call it instinct. So glad u didn’t catch anything from ur friends 🙏🏻 Learning break falls in BJJ really helps my ass. But things can happen. We reacted based on our instincts. U fell on the floor (not on the mat) its quite an impact. But u managed to reduce down the impact 🤙🏼💪🏼 I hope u’ll feel better soon G and don’t worry about posting anything. We always do a little throwback and revisit by ourself 😁✨ Thank you for updating us. Sending you negative vibes (in a good way) so that u’ll be protected by guardian Angel this year 🧚🏻‍♀️✨ Take care GaeliLeo 💪🏼🦁✨


Oh man, that crack. I know that sound, and it's terrifying (broke my left arm in two places once, sounded like a tree trunk cracking in the distance or smth), I hope ya feel better! Though I sense some more, um, "soft" finishes in the next few audios? Or maybe you're ambidextrous idk? Though it would be very funny (sorry) if you managed to open up the damage again because of your "physically demanding work". But seriously, feel better, "god bedring" <3


Thank you G for the update! You've been dealing with quite a bit! Your positive attitude will help get you through. So glad you're doing well! I'll definitely be saying a prayer for your bone! 😊Please rest well and take good care of yourself. I'd bring you lots of soup if I could.😊 Sending you lots of hugs and snuggles...🤗🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤❤


I’m so sorry G!! But I’m so glad to hear you’re healing and you sound like you’re getting well 🤍 please take care 🤍


Take care Gael, tnx for the update! missed hearing from ya


Oh no!!! You broke your funny bone?? Kidding aside, so glad you are mending well and still hanging onto your sense of humour. Don't slack on the therapy, which you already knew. Get and keep well. Take care of yourself.


No! Not your fapping arm, whatever shall you do. 😜 But seriously though, I'm glad it's not worse and you'll mend up fine as long as you stay patient. Go full zen tortoise, ignore your inner hyperactive child, tell him to shush and watch some cartoons. I'm just glad it wasn't the big baddie rona, I know with your asthma that would've been bad news bears. Stay safe and feel better soon, xoxo friend.


I'm so glad that everything is fine even though you broke your elbow... I know how painful it can be to brake a bone, (I've broken my right arm and my left ankle, and it was horrendous). And I'm glad that your didn't have to go through that pain! Get better soon, and take proper care of yourself so you can be nice and dandy soon! Stay safe!


I’m so sorry you broke your bone, I’m wishing you the best and hope you get better soon! Take care!☺️💕

Saya J

I’ll say a prayer for a most swift recovery for your poor elbow 🥺 Rest up, be well. It’s so good to hear from you 💕

Sarah Velez

So thankful that your fall was not worse than it could have been. Holding you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I know that snap sound, have had it happened before it oh my word, its not something you want to hear and the pain doesn't always come right after. I also don't like painkillers so don't feel bad about avoiding them whenever possible. Sometimes they can do more damage to other parts of you than alleviate the pain you are in. Thank you for telling us how you are doing and for braving through it and still seeing to us despite what you are going through. May you get lots of soup, heal fast, and rest. Don't push yourself, take the time you need.


Oh my I sorry about your funny bone!☹️ I hope it heals soon and you can be comfortable with it again.💞💞


Awe so sorry for your boo boo. Hopefully it stays on the healing track. 😊


Awww no so really sorry to hear of your accident and breaking your elbow, bless ya, happy to know it wasn't really really serious as it could have been.. and glad you didn't get struck down with Covid even though they say the Omicron variant is mild still not good to get it, Yeah restrictions was announced and it was Thursday when they began ending them here in England.. 😊 It's good to know you are on the road to recovery slowly... You take things easy, plenty of rest and take care.... Sending healing vibes, love and hugs to you😊🤗❤️


I noticed you were silent and posted a lot of revisits, but I figured you had your reasons and would let us know if you wanted to. (and that it wasn't our fault you were silent) Sorry about your arm, but also, thank goodness you didn't get any more seriously injured! Prayer said for a speedy recovery as well!


omg what a horrible incident I wish you all the best & hope you make a smooth recovery! take all the time you need!💖💖


We totally understand Gael, nothing to worry about. You are only human and some things really happened for a reason. Like you said, that’s just life. I’m so sorry about your elbow though, and I keep you in my thoughts and prayer for your speedy recovery. In the meantime, I hope you don’t push yourself to do some recording when you are not able, we are fine with the revisits and such. Your recovery is what matters the most. I feel like you were crying a little on a latter part of the audio and I badly wanna hug you for that. It’s okay...You are indeed our strong lion! And also, we respect everything in you even your quietness. Okay! I’ll give you my power hug that instantly heals whatever broken bones you may have! 😄🤗♥️✨


Omg G seriously…this year around Christmas we are going to wrap you in cotton wool and not let you out till February lol…we definitely don’t want a “3rd times/years the charm” after the last two years ..we need to keep you safe 😀 I was thinking as you were telling us what happened it reminded me of audios you have done lol like when the muse falls in the bathroom.. is that what they call art imitating life or in this case life imitating art lol.😆😆 btw you mentioned driving- did you get your car back? Or have you got a new one…. in all seriousness I’m so glad you are doing better and feeling better after everything ….and your big arse cast …please tell me Seanie didn’t draw anything naughty on it when you were sleeping lol ❤️❤️ Welcome back G 🍀❤️🍀

Kathryn J.

So sorry to hear of your woes. While they had mild cases, thank goodness, all my kids and grands have had the virus. I am trying my best to stay healthy. Ouch! Thank goodness for your strong Irish bones. Heal fast, stay healthy darlin'. 💕💕💕💕


Urgh…I‘m sorry to hear this. But I‘m happy to hear you laughing again and it will not be complicated! This awful cracking sound, I know it well (my pelvis broke in a car accident)- this is something I‘ll never forget. I‘m sending you lots of healing vibes and sunshine for your bones💚🌈☀️!


Speedy Recovery G! I'm so sorry! <3

Fati Ma

First Hank now you... What is happening to my favorite asmr actors?... I hope you have a speedy recovery Gael!! I send hug and kisses and prayers and lots of good vibes!! Muaaah 😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖


So glad you are ok love. Sending you all the best, huge hugs and lots of kisses!! 😘💖🤗💖 Hopefully that was your one big event this year and you already got it out of the way before the end of the first month of this new year. 🤞😉😏 Curious though....have you finally got yourself some wheels???


Just glad your alright is the important part, tbh I haven’t been on patreon lately hubby been in the hospital got an infection (3) and then my fav legendary singer/actor passed away so I’ve been pretty depressed just trying to stay calm and focused and work hard to mind off all the bad things that are going on in the world right now! Take your time sending lots of love and healing powers! 💜💚💜💚💜💚


I was worried you caught the COVID - cuz it’s just the times, yanno? Lots of stressful stuffs. But, I’m glad to hear you’re in good spirits and you’re (literally) on the mend! 🤗 Take care of yourself…and maybe get a rug or a mat for that tile floor? 😘


oh my gosh 🥺 breaking a bone does really suck :( (i broke my thumb and nose before) i really hope that you heal well and definitely stay safe !💜💜

Emma Ranson

Hi gael oh my god u poor sweetheart, I'm so sorry to hear that I hope u recover soon I'm sending u healing vibes and love and hugs 🫂, i was so scared u were gonna say u got covid 😥😥, but Im happy to hear your ok, it was great to hear from you I've missed u, take care hun and stay safe mwaah!!! 💥💚🤗 xx


Hope u get 2 feel better soon. Sending love from America. Love ya, Gael!


Ohhh nooo I hope you feel better soon and get some rest!


So thankful you’re okay!♥️ please rest and take your time. We will patiently wait for you

Angela R.

God speed with your healing, Gael! Sending you oodles of love and good vibes. 😘


Wow, you didn’t even go ass-over-teakettle, just straight up and slamming back down like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel! Glad your reflexes saved yer noggin, and that you’re quick and strong on the mend! Chuckling to myself as I think about how, if given the chance, Lovelies would have your cast graffitied with bone[r] wisecracks 😄. Hearing from you is always wonderful-thanks! Wow, you didn’t even go ass-over-teakettle, just straight up and slamming back down like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel! Glad your reflexes saved yer noggin from being cracked, and that your quick and strong on the mend! Chuckling to myself as I think about how, if given the chance, Lovelies would have your cast graffitied with bone[r] wisecracks 😄


I´d give you a healing Potion, feeble Langer in exchange for the CockKey. Ehssss?😋


just catching up. I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how scary that must have been. I’m so glad to hear you have a chuckle but I know it was something’ else! I’m certain the man flu was harder on ye though 😂😂😂 bug hug! Mwah!

Ashlee Kranz

I’m also just catching up, but glad to hear you’re doing well and the elbow is healed up nicely! If I ever get to meet you, we should go through our Judo throws, break falls and tumbles together!😜🥋