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Love the American accent lmao ...


Gary and Paul O'Donovan...loved their interview!


1) I love hearing you sing stuff. I meant to say that on the other half.


Lol accents!!!!! Omgosh! American accents= southern accents? Lol!


that southern accent is not bad at all! lol!! :)


I fell in love with David Bowie when I saw the movie Labrynth. 😍 he was so cool.


I was listening to my first personal audio earlier ;))) Be careful what you wish for Ladies! That man will blow your fucking mind!!! XD


Lol That pirate voice had me in hysterics, please do a pirate audio! Does that mean your go to american accent is southern? lol


I can't wait for him to blow my fucking mind ---again...


the "plundering that booty" part tho! I was like, "I want you to plunder my booty...." teeheehehe I'm trash

Sweetz (GFPR)

My favorite thing is "I'm telling you lads" to a group of 100% women xD


The thought of Young Gael walking around town in an astronaut suit just makes me really emotional and happy ;-; too sweet, too pure, too good for this world


I mean, I call my female friends "dude" and "bro" all the time so I'm sure "lad" could be used gender-neutrally too! :D

fran darling

Oh my god you sound like Geoffrey Rush from "Pirates of the Carribbean". XD

Sweetz (GFPR)

Btw if you like Artic Monkeys you'll like Hozier ( <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgWOJIC6Kp8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgWOJIC6Kp8</a> )


Argh!! He butchered my poetry ;)) XD


I'm thinking... can this be considered cheating when you have a partner and you're completely in love with the idea of this "Gael", the ideal guy? Haha And, sometimes you can't help but be disappointed with your real life partner because you unconsciously look for those traits "Gael" shows us in your real life partner. Still 'though, I can't just let "Gael" go Hahaha


I see it as treating yourself to something special unless u feel like it is taking u away from your partner. I'd separate the two. Gael can only do so much. I choose to accept his humor, sexiness, and the fantasy of being one of his lovers. Its a weird kind of relationship...semireal...And then in "real life" you deal with your real relationship by continuing to be all that you can be to that person. Hope that make sense. On this site, and on literotica, Gael is my (our😒) Bae. He's a friend too.


I guess I look at it this way. (And this may not explain this situation) We are all human and we all make mistakes. No one is going to live up to be the "perfect man" all the time. It's just not possible. I know I'm not perfect so I can't impose that expectation on someone else. I think self improvement is always good and leaving an unhealthy relationship is good(not saying that yours is!) However, holding an unrealiatic expectation or something out of their control against them isn't healthy either. For me I have the different view where Gaelforce is showing me that men can be loving, altruistic, cheeky, kind and funny.....because I haven't know that side of a male before. Yay growth)


Yeah, it's seems to be a very powerful thing for some! It has advantages and disadvantages imo. Like it can work as a fantastic healing technique, a lot of people tell me that audio helped them regain their libido, confidence and even helped them through past traumatic experiences.. However there is a danger of thinking it's all real.. Most know that's it's not though, I feel. Most realise it's a bit of escape and something positive :) Welcome Raquel!


It is! Because trolls aren't going to pay $1 to be mean haha! And yes! I used to call myself 'a stranger' But I feel like I belong sometimes, other times I don't.. I'm cool with it :)) XD


Ok, going to have to send you some audio for that southern accent! Bless your heart...that was as bad as my attempt at an Irish accent! 🤣 Should it be in an email?


Love the Bowie tribute. I can totally relate to how you felt as a child.


The crow part took me out.. I had giggle fit


You made me laugh with your banter...you made me teary eyed with your tribute comment to Bowie. Ah, Gael. You're a wonderful wonder. Thank goodness for you. Also, I hope you're not getting as much vitriol from other creators and from trolls anymore. What I really wish is that you're not getting them at all, but the internet's harsh places still exist so I can only hope it's down to a minimum. I liked the astronaut story. It was so precious. I understand how protective you are about your offline life. I appreciate it when you do share snippets of it, as we do bits of ours. Sometimes I wish we could all just go for a coffee or a pint or a walk by the beach, bantering the day away.