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The world can be such a busy, overwhelming place.

Taking time to turn inward and care for yourself is one of the most important things you can do.   And I'll always be here to support you when you want to put time aside for yourself.

And when you're ready to rejoin the world?

A friendly face will be here waiting for ya.♥️

Had a lasher of a rainstorm here the other day.  I decided to take advantage of the weather and let it be part of the audio xd


Alone Time - ☘️ ( Irish Accent ) (Boyfriend Role Play) (Rain Storm ) (Coffee Shop)

All Me Important Links: ♥ https://linktr.ee/GaelforceAudios 600+ Audios Waiting for your ears: Support my content by joining me on Patreon for only $1 a month! - 😇 - Sugar - http://bit.ly/2kvK5dk - 😈 - Spice - http://bit.ly/2kV1psH Albums - 🎵 - iTunes - http://apple.co/2nT7MkA - 📦 - Amazon - https://amzn.to/2Nvzej8 **Merch** - 👕- https://teespring.com/stores/gaelforce-audios 💙- TikTok - tinyurl.com/TikTokGaelforce 💙 - Twitter - http://bit.ly/2Bf87Dg 💙 - Instagram - http://bit.ly/2EpMMcu 💙 - Facebook - http://bit.ly/2nQrfT5 Outro Music: 'Nomadic Sunset' by Alexander Nakarada #ASMR #Irish #Gaelforce



I’m very touched by your steady commitment to reassure, to comfort, and to provide a place of refuge. You’re doing it, Gael! You provide such a variety of healthy goodness. I listened to this two weeks ago, and I loved it. I was drawn again to listen tonight, only this time it's a much deeper experience. I think moving to a new house caught up with me, and I needed to hear you say that’s it’s a very good thing to take time-outs in me-time. You’re a very hard-working artist, and your creative flow in all of your outpourings is a beautiful balm for me. It’s your authenticity that makes you shine. Audios like these are a wonderful balance to your unique erotica, which is for me, life-expanding and liberating. I thank you, with all of my heart. ♥️


Been under work stress lately, so many deadlines to meet.. Now I'm encouraged that I should get up, go for a good walk under the sun, make me ice coffee and enjoy a little break 💗 Love your kind and cared voice in this audio, absolutely beautiful 💚 Go raibh mile maith agat a stór ❤🫂