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Coming to you live on location from a cosy book nook on the road!  Whilst I travel and get over my sniffles, I offer you a cosy revisit to a Christmas cabin ramble I did years back.  Stay tuned next week when we'll get a bit... sexy!


Between The Sheets Episode 10: Live From Inside a Bookshelf + Christmas Cabin Ramble by Between The Sheets with Gaelforce Audios

Coming to you live on location from a cosy book nook on the road! Whilst I travel and get over my sniffles, I offer you a cosy revisit to a Christmas cabn ramble I did years back. Stay tuned next week when we'll get a bit... sexy!



I remember a couple of years back when you truly lost your voice and recorded a little message called "I lost something" (https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-lost-something-24969610) and even then you still sounded sexy. When are you going to learn our sexy Irish lover??? We love your voice because it's you regardless of the quality issues you may sometimes experience. 😘😘☕ It's awesome that Spotify is working for you, you should have known we'd be there for you. Did you doubt? I know you didn't, we're there for one another like. 👌😘💖💖 I remember this ramble and loved it. You sounded like you had had four cups of coffee. 😂😂 Enerdree Enerdree Enerdree!!!!

Sherry Merrill

What's funny is that book Murder by the Book is on my list of books to read. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Be safe.