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This year is different.  No big gatherings, no big parties..

Or is it?

We'll have a party of our own... but once I see you in that lipstick...

We may never leave the bedroom.

Perhaps some things are the same after all. 😈

The sniffles persist lads.  I had a request for this erotic as revisit this week and I will fill it ;)  I'm so glad it brought comfort in the past and I hope it continues to!

We'll be back in fighting shape soon I know! I hope you don't mind the revisit too much♥




This imaginary world continuously opens my eyes and changes my outlook on things and I am grateful. Maybe because I don't remember anything like this happening to me but when G offered to help with her makeup, I felt panicked--I'm not sure why. But I could feel the tenderness, affection, and adoration with each gentle dab and rub and the panic went away. It also makes me wonder if this wouldn't be so bad. Don't feel bad about the revisits. There's nothing wrong with you focusing on you. Your health is paramount and besides, the fact they are important enough to you that you want us to experience them again make them even better. Some people swear by slathering your feet in Vick's VapoRub, putting on socks, and wearing them while you sleep to help with colds. I am sending all the healing thoughts your way, G. 🫂☕☕


I think I shall be joining you for these parties of our own Gael lol ❤️❤️😋😋


I hear you on the panic. I'm a nobody-touches-my-face-but-me! kind of girl. So, I'm a little scared to listen to this audio. Happy to hear you got through it and enjoyed the experience, Billie.