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My life madness continues, some of it is serious, some is funny.  I'll catch you up soon.  But thinking of how chaotic and unexpected life can be has taught me the value of making small changes to lift the joy level of my days.

I wanted to share that practice with you with a lickle challenge

I challenge you this week to change one small thing about your daily life simply because it will improve your day.

It can be as small as getting the nicer soap you wanted but didn't get or waking up 10 minutes earlier to read or stretch.  

But I want you to do something nice for yourself.  Something very small but noticeable, something you could KEEP doing and your overall life will be a tiny bit happier because of.

And if you're comfy, tell me what you did and how it went! 💚

Also new audio coming these weekend is a bit naughty.  Hope you're ready!

~Your loving Mayor



Some Lovelies already know how much I love being out in nature, spending time in the mountains and lakes I feel grateful to have access to. But my work schedule can be limiting. Recently, what I've started doing is pausing in the middle of my workday and going out for a walk to a nearby park. I'll walk a handful of blocks or so...for as much time as I can spare that day. Maybe it's too simple but it brings me a lot of calm. Previously, I wouldn't leave the office because I tell myself 'I could do so many other things instead.' But taking time to walk and clear my mind reframes my day. I've thought about how this might be tricky in the winter (esp during the subzero temps we experience here!). But I figure, I can walk around a few floors in our building then. It may not be outdoors but I think the simple act of walking breaks the flow of my day and gives me that much needed pause to recalibrate.


I decided to change many things not just one thing. Simply because I’m always taking care of others so I decided to learn Spanish and getting back into shape but most importantly going after my dreams I’m not letting anyone stop me. 💖