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I know you told me not to kiss you when you were sick, but I couldn't resist.

Now.. I'm struck down with your flu.  It was worth it... but we both know flu is so much more serious in men!  It's not because we're babies!  It's a more powerful germ I say! xd

But I may pull through if I've you to care for me...

(All Vanilla posts downloadable on Sugar) 

Author's Note:

The season approaches.  But fret not I'm definitely not dramatic when I get sick.  I promise. I swear. Truer words were never spoken nor typed! A pillar of bravery and virtue here like.

Suggested Audios:

Alright so, here are some audios to make you laugh, raise your temperature or both ;)

Playing Hooky (Let's Stay Home Today!)

Lady Killer (Completely Professional & Experience Escort) (Comedy)

Orgasmic Lullaby (We'll get you to sleep one way or another!)

- use code "THREESOME" for Buy2Get1Free!




As I’m fighting demons trying to get over covid for the first time this is so comforting in the best way🥺😭


I got my period and a cold on the same day, so these recent audios are super timely. The fourth wall breakers have been great for certain aches too. 😉 I’m on the mend, but if anyone needs me, I’ll be in the corner practicing for the dramatic cough competition later. 😆