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Hi everyone!

Last week we had public voting completed and the results are pretty interesting! We'll talk more about them in a special post coming soon! Thanks to everyone who took part in it!

Work on the next chapter of Tame It Too! is progressing quite nicely and we've made good progress this past week! 

New characters

You'll meet a new monster girl in the first chapter of Tame It Too! and it will happen under unexpected circumstances, just like in Bunny's case! The 3D model of the new beauty is almost finished and we'll test it in the engine soon!

But that's not all! Lee will face a new enemy! It will be an extremely interesting encounter with unexpected twists and turns!

New Locations

As we mentioned in the previous news, there will be new locations for you to explore in the next game chapter. Right now, we're focused on one of the most important ones for this chapter, where Lee will spend a lot of time. Since many quests will be connected with this location, we have to take a lot of important details into account and work out the gameplay carefully. 

New hot scenes

We strive to create animated scenes in advance, because they require a lot of time not only to create, but also to implement in the game engine. That's why we plan and write scripts for them before other game aspects. We're going to add at least one plot hot scene for the first chapter and we're going to put two peeping scenes in the prologue! So there's quite a bunch of new hot content waiting for you!

And on top of that we continue to work on the cutscenes, they're already designed and approved and ready for the next stage of work — storyboard.

We're also fixing bugs that you've reported to us and working to improve some important issues.

We plan to create a tutorial and a full-featured map that will help you navigate the island and quests. 

Stay tuned, friends! All the most interesting things are still to come!

And thank you all so much for your support, for your kind words and feedback. It all means a lot to us!

We wish you all a great productive week and a wonderful mood!

Natsu 🐰



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