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Hi everyone!

Work on the first chapter of Tame It Too! is in full swing and we can already see the light at the end of this long tunnel!

The truth is that we've already made so many changes, fixes and additions to the prologue and important game features that we might even release another quality of life update. But maybe it'll all come in one big update, along with a continuation of the story and new locations.

Cutscenes and Antagonist

The antagonist, whose design we finished last week, has been added to the story cutscene where Lee first encounters them. The antagonist's appearance is made up of many small details, we paid attention to every claw! And this character will be revealed gradually. So not all the secrets at once! 😉

We're working on a large and intense cutscene with a lot of characters and action. At the moment, we're putting together the comic design of the cutscene from visual assets that we've made earlier, and after that it will be added to the engine, where we'll partially animate it like the previous ones.

There are several more cutscenes to come, no less colourful and interesting! 

Locations and Props

We continue to refine locations that are important not only to the story of this chapter, but also to the rest of the game. More and more small details and unique objects  are appearing in these locations.

Lee will only see a small part of them in this new chapter, but he will visit this place again as the story progresses and then he will have the opportunity to explore it properly! 

New Mechanics and Plot Continuation

As well as working on the current chapter, we've also been making good progress on the mechanics for the further game. We've got a lot of new things planned for the future! New tools will be added: a new level of axe, shovel, and pickaxe. You will be able to mine more different resources and use them to develop and build your village. There is still a lot of work to be done on all these mechanics. For now, we're teaching Lee how to cut down big trees! 

We're also working on more detailed plot development and character relationships. As we've already mentioned before, all of our girls are quite unique and you'll have to find the right approach to tame them all! And there will be a lot of unexpected twists and turns in the story, so be patient and stay tuned, all the most interesting things are yet to come!

While you're waiting for the new Tame It Too! chapter to be released, don't forget to check out our Discord, where you can chat with like-minded players, ask us questions, and watch lots of juicy content!

We hope you have a successful week and wonderful mood! ❤️

Natsu 🐰



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