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It's art update Friday and KOMC is going on
Yet the comic is heading towards the finale.
Radogien starts to transform into a dragon, so he will be even bigger - everywhere! ^^
Big dragon meat confirmed.
Yummy :3

Please remember that main project comic pages release depending on your membership.
3 pages per month for Werewolf and Wolf tier members and 2 pages in the Puppy tier (sketches are an exception).

In general my plan for future comics is simple.
I'll explain it shortly.

Main comic - around 30-35 pages (example KOMC)
Short comic - around 10-15 pages (example teachers comic)
Mini comic - around 5 pages (no title yet)

This way no comic will take too long and you'll get fresh stories regularly. ^^
That's it. Stay tuned for new art next Friday.
Werewolf hugs



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