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It's art update Friday aka AUF. And it's Artpack release day.
I have to say, that September was amazing art-wise.
So many pics in one month plus the completition of "King of my Castle".
I am very happy that I can share these juicy fruits of my work with you now.

There's Wukong fanart with the monkey, the horse and the tiger vanguard.
We have a new page for the teachers comic and human Baelohr's first appearance.
I drew quite a bunch of bellies this month. ^^
Well, and I drew some commissions.

I feel very good and kinda tired at the same time.
After some sleep I look forward to dive into the themes for Orctober. The monster month.
The teacher comic will continue, Knights in Japan 2 will start and we'll see Bigby Wolf again.
Furthermore I want to draw Karr the orc and later a hot werewolf pic for Halloween.
So there's always more art waiting for you. :3

See you next Friday with new art updates.
werewolf hugs



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