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Hello wolfies,
it's AUF, art update Friday.
Tonight "Knights in Japan 2" continues.
A mysterious man appeared next to Kato.
And he's not only handsome, but also in a flirty mood!
Could he be Kato's next candidate for a "walk" in the park?! :3

And we stay with "Knights in Japan" with Lionheart and Baelohr.
A scene from their past, where the young demon enjoys the pleasures
of domination. Daddy Lionheart knows how to educate his oni lover.
Glowing peach confirmed :P

And speaking about peaches...
We stay in the past to join Filip Heisenberg and Mister Petrello.
After his graduation Filip wanted to meet his favourite bear.
Do you remember that scene in the teachers comic, where Filip mentions,
that he learned from a champion? Well, here we see, when and what he learned
back then from his favourite big bellied bear. ^^

Back to the present. Tomorrow I will work on the Petrello pic during my stream and the Request Poll will go online.
That's it for tonight. More new stuff will release next AUF.
See you then or tomorrow. werewolf hugs



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