MD game: Shooting Star Tower concept art (Patreon)
Previously I have showed you some concepts for different buildings. The Skyscrapers ABC and the bridge Reid Rock.
Since I was not entirely concinved by my ideas I sketched some more:
The water power plant. An art deco building, located at a cliff. It's main feature: being a power plant.
The clocktower. A tall tower with a clock at the top.
Then I split the tower in two with a bridge connecting them. In this concept the clocktower is part of a church ruin. The complex would be situated on a hill at the edge of the city.
Can you see the easter egg? There is Poor Palace in the background.
But even with these concepts are was not entirely happy, because in my opinion a gargoyle would live somewhere high above. A place with a splendid view.
And then I remembered my former home, that tends to me covered with thick fog during automn. So much fog, that only the highest buildings reach through.
So edited my towers again.
With the fog it would be a mystery how tall they are. And I needn't overthink each and every detail, what is pretty bothering to be honest.
And while I roughly sketched some random skyscrapers in the background I noticed, that I drew an interesting looking one at the left corner.
So I thought: Hey let's see what your brain creates, when you simply let go without thinking much.
The result is my favourite and final concept:
Shooting Star Tower
The name is the main concept. A shooting star, that either rises or falls, depending on interpretation.
The building will contain all rooms (rooms are not final in the concept art) needed,
without me trying to locate them in the house, as I tried in previous concepts.
In the game you will see the top of the tower during a stormy night. At the right of the tower will be panels showing the rooms. For example the lobby.
By clicking on the picture you will be able to navigate to the room in the game.
I also came to the conclusion that it is much easier to draw art deco style, than gothic revival. Art deco is simple, but fancy.
And since I have to draw EVERYTHING on my own, I favour art deco, to save time and patience.
Trivia: Shooting Star Tower belongs to Cole McReid, who makes a fortune with his power plants (some concepts pay off even when not used).
(chibi style Cole)
So this is the latest update considering my MD game.
Are you exited to visit Shooting Star Tower?
Have you ever worked on your own game or comic and got lost in ideas?
I'd love to know. So tell me in the comments.