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Here's a new chapter of the OG Industrious! As promised, it's ALL COMBAT! A significant portion of the next chapter will likely be fighting as well, covering Naruko's fight with two of the hunter ninja, Yakumo's face off against a familiar young face, and Obito throwing down with the Demon of the Mist.

Look forward to that!

In the meantime, I've got another Winning Peace and Nexus Event coming up. One before the weekend and the other during it.

Thank you again for all the support and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Industrious 51-60

Chapter 51: I sighed as I walked into the room, giving a nod to Uzumaki Ise, the dark-haired man having become something of a point of contact for me with the hospital, if only because of simple familiarity and his membership in the Uzumaki clan.


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