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This chapter is in honor of literally anyone and anything except for Comcast, who has the special honor of having made it incredibly difficult to write and post. This is in addition to the birthday stuff going on this week that's made writing difficult in general.

Anyway! Here's the next chapter of Winning Peace and, likely, the last one for it this month.

I plan to have a chapter of Speedrun out either Friday night or early Saturday morning and, after the weekend, I'm going to try and get a new chapter of Industrious: Engineering Marvels out to cap the month off with.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience and support. Rock on, stay awesome, and I hope you all have a good week.


Winning Peace 21-30

Chapter 21: I looked over the feed from my expanding Mars base. Using the tour of the solar system, I'd deployed various autonomous builders and robots to fabricate an installation. I hadn't wanted anything close to civilization, such as it was, on the planet. With my ability to walk between ...


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