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...wow that got away from me. Over 4k words, huh.

Well, you guys get extra content for the last April chapter and an interesting back and forth with Sebastian Shaw. That, surprisingly, ends without a fight. Though it comes close once or twice.

Next up is... Nexus Event, I think. Need to work on that one a bit.

In the meantime, I'll be getting the monthly poll up for May in an our or two after I go public with the next EM chapter on QQ.

Please wait warmly.


Industrious: Egnineering Marvels 11-20

Chapter 11: The Hydra base was such a stereotype that it hurt. Thankfully, it wasn't an actual castle, but the previous base had already ticked that box and I had no doubt that we'd end up running into at least one more once we got to Germany proper.


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