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...and I really wanted this out yesterday, too. Le sigh.

Anyway! This is kind of a filler chapter to catch up with things after the boss fight. Lot of talking, but there were a number of subjects that needed to be covered. Next chapter of this will feature more going and doing as Kirito et. all take a mini-vacation after beating the first floor boss.

Next up on the docket is Industrious, this time the Marvel timeline, so get ready for that in a few days. I'll be trying to squeeze in one last chapter of Nexus event before the month's out, but it may overflow and have to show up with the June poll come the weekend. Sorry if that ends up happening, but things have been a little crazy IRL and it's been costing me time. Lots of drama and I'll spare you the details save to say that my ex-brother in law is out of rehab and it's been not very fun. Woo!

So believe me when I say thank you for all the support. I really, really mean it. I love writing and couldn't justify dedicating this much time without your help. Rock on and stay awesome!


Where Your God Is 11-20

Chapter 11: The societal norm for working-class individuals in Japan was to, immediately after college, find a profession with an employer and, barring extenuating circumstances, work within that same field under that same employer until you either retired or died. It was a direct violation of ...


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