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Okay, so getting the poll out of the way first. Winning Peace came in pretty firmly with the lead, Industrious followed up, and The New Ron was a comfortable third. Nexus Event and Where Your God is finished in a virtual tie for 4th/5th place. So this month will be more Winning Peace!

That's the weekend's chapter coming up.

As far as this chapter goes, though, we finally get to see Hermione and the trap planned last chapter is explained. Next chapter will be a conversation with the US President. That... seems like a recurring theme in some of my works, huh.

Anyway, Solomon is certainly feeling the frustration at having a mastermind out to kill him.


Nexus Event 11-20

Chapter 11: I sighed and rubbed at my eyes. "That's, the... um, fuck... what was it?" Sam took a long drag of coffee and flexed her back and neck, popping various joints before she answered. "That was the deputy head of the Hong Kong Triads. I can't remember the exact name of the group, wh...


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