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As promised, the next chapter of Engineering Marvels. This one is mostly lead-in for the next mission with a week's time skip or so simply due to the fact that there's only so much being on a boat and/or walking through a forest I can make interesting.

Regardless, I think it turned out well! Next chapter? Ray gets to fight a Nazi Vampire and he is not happy that his life is becoming a comic book.

Other than that? I've started working on the next chapter of Winning Peace and will have it out over the weekend. Thanks again for all the support!


Industrious: Egnineering Marvels 11-20

Chapter 11: The Hydra base was such a stereotype that it hurt. Thankfully, it wasn't an actual castle, but the previous base had already ticked that box and I had no doubt that we'd end up running into at least one more once we got to Germany proper.


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