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Well, that's a bit bigger than I'd planned for, but things just kind of ballooned once I got going. Had to drop a few extra hours on the project, but I think it finished out nicely.

Next chapter of Nexus Event will be Harriet's birthday bash and all that it entails. Should be a fun chapter.

We'll likely have a short timeskip after that to the Hogwarts train ride after that.

In the meantime? Another chapter of Winning Peace coming up in a few days. Not sure what else is on the docket, but I think I need to get around to fighting more Nazi vampires in the Marvel branch of Industrious. So that's probably coming up as well.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Nexus Event 11-20

Chapter 11: I sighed and rubbed at my eyes. "That's, the... um, fuck... what was it?" Sam took a long drag of coffee and flexed her back and neck, popping various joints before she answered. "That was the deputy head of the Hong Kong Triads. I can't remember the exact name of the group, wh...


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