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As promised, new chapter of one of the things that flows easier. Had a lot of shit on my plate this past week, but I'm hoping things get back to normal now that my parents are coming back from their vacation.

Might have something out tonight/tomorrow as well, as a bonus.

But I'll start working on the next chapter of Winning Peace and The New Ron for the next week as well.

In the interim... Rock On, Stay Awesome, and Thank You Again for all the support!


The Hand We're Dealt

Slayer Anderson The Hand We're Dealt A Highschool DxD AU Crossover 06/04/2024 Chapter 1: The sound of chalk against slate was loud in the otherwise quiet room. It was, thankfully, a rare day after the snow had melted but before the oppressive heat of summer fully blossomed. I would have muc...


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