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Here we go, this chapter mostly brings the adventure of Adrena Lynn to a close. Next chapter will feature some clean up regarding the fallout of what happens here.

This time around, Ron gets a big chance to be a badass while Kim confronts the villain. The day is saved, but Bonnie's dignity bore the brunt of the cost.

Also, Adrenna Lynn is a bit less stable than anyone remembers.

Otherwise, I hope everyone's having a good weekend and enjoying the leadup to Halloween!


The New Ron 31-40

Chapter 31: "So I totally don't get it," Tara admitted candidly as she lounged on my living room floor flat on her stomach, feet bent at the knee and kicking in the air. "He just... left? Like, can villains even do that?" "This one apparently can," Kim nearly growled, her head tilted downward...


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