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Here's more Mind Games.

Since I didn't comment on the end of the poll when I posted Industrious a few days ago, it is a bit surprising how closely all three are supported. It does tell me that, no matter what, one of these moving up to take a spot on the monthly polls would be well-received. So that's good.

In any event, I hope everyone enjoys more MHA shenanigans. Next chapter of MG will likely be the end of this arc, though possibly not tie up all the loose ends. That might need part/all of the following chapter.

Regardless, I'll be working on more Winning Peace next, so look forward to that in a few days as well. Thank you again for your patience and support, hope everyone is having a good week.


Mind Games Rebuild

My Hero Academia (Start of Canon): 140 Points Substitute (Hitoshi Shinso) -10 Tempest Jewelry -10 -Basic Tempest Runes I -10 -Jewels of Discord -25 Body Talent -10 Martial Talent -10 Aesthetic Talent -10 Communication Talent -10 Performance Talent -10 Covert Talent -10 Stress Defense/Immunity...


Tristan R Mitchell

Does the Ranma template come with the gender-swapping and the Neko-Ken? I figure it at least has Anything Goes martial arts, Qi usage, Amazon techniques, and the "learn physical techniques by sight" ability he has. But the Neko-Ken is as much or more a downside, and the gender-swapping is explicitly a curse.

Slayer Anderson

Good catch. In response, I'll point out that 'Arcane Fate' is explicitly a curse as well for Sidereals. And HItoshi asked about that specifically with his Company Rep. 'Curse' depends on the disposition of the recipient, in other words. So I won't say *yes*, but I will say it's spoilers, which should be enough of an answer.