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Another look past the curtain into things happening IRL with everyone's favorite overworked government functionary. Thankfully, he seems to be making some unexpected progress in his goals.

Alright, on to other news! I actually had to count votes this time instead of there being a clear winner. So here are the totals after adding up everything between the two sites:

Winning Peace: 86

Industrious: 84

Mind Games: 73

...with The New Ron taking up fourth and Where Your God Is holding at fifth.

Still, that's an impressive first month start for Mind Games. Very promising. This week will feature a chapter of Winning Peace and... either Industrious or Mind Games. One of the two. We shall see.


Where Your God Is 11-20

Chapter 11: The societal norm for working-class individuals in Japan was to, immediately after college, find a profession with an employer and, barring extenuating circumstances, work within that same field under that same employer until you either retired or died. It was a direct violation of ...


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