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Ugh, holiday stuff. Had to do a lot of cleaning for family that got in last night, so I've been busier than usual.

Still, here's the promised update of Mind Games. I had a bit of trouble deciding where to cut the chapter off. Part of me wanted to do the entire date in one go, but... I really enjoy writing Hitoshi/Himiko interactions and would have probably turned this into a 7-8k monster if I'd gone that route. So the date will finish up next chapter. Which... will probably be the final buffer chapter as well. So look forward to a new thread as a late Christmas/New Years present.


Mind Games Rebuild

My Hero Academia (Start of Canon): 140 Points Substitute (Hitoshi Shinso) -10 Tempest Jewelry -10 -Basic Tempest Runes I -10 -Jewels of Discord -25 Body Talent -10 Martial Talent -10 Aesthetic Talent -10 Communication Talent -10 Performance Talent -10 Covert Talent -10 Stress Defense/Immunity...


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