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Chapter 1-The Truth, The Whole Truth, and

Nothing But

He wasn’t really surprised he’d been shipped off to the hospital the first chance Ran got.  After all, he’d suffered the most severe injuries of anyone at the scene who hadn’t died.  The fact that he was a child only increased the tendency of people to be overly concerned with his welfare.  It was both a tiresome and endearing element of his existence that he’d grown used to over the months.

A visit from Agasa, however, had been an unexpected treat.

“Thanks again doc,” Conan smiled, reassured by the mere presence of his miscellaneous equipment.  His belt buckle, shoes, suspenders, bowtie, glasses, and wristwatch were all there and in pristine, working order.

“No problem, Shinichi,” Agasa grinned, handing over the various items.  “You had me worried sick with that mess at the tower!  I’m glad you and Ran made it out safe and sound.”

“Safe is a bit of an objective term, don’t you think?” Ai asked, pulling a penlight from her jacket and shining it into Conan’s eyes before looking at his medical chart.

“Your concern is overwhelming,” Conan deadpanned.  “So, do you think it’s fatal?”

“If only I were that lucky,” Ai muttered, her lips twitching.  “Concussion, just like the doctors said.  I’d wager they’re keeping you for observation…especially since you lost a good bit of blood from that gash.”

“And here I thought you were only good at making poisons,” Conan snorted.

“Pharmacology is my specialty, but I had to do some medical work on some operatives occasionally.  Gunshots, knife wounds, broken bones…”  Ai sighed, “They really make you work for your money, especially when you’ve made a name for yourself.”

“If crime really didn’t pay, my life would be so much easier,” the boy detective said, shaking his head.

“I’ve always said you’re stubborn,” Ai snorted.  “You’re also not the brightest bulb, at least…socially speaking.  The life of a lonely detective is perfect for you.”

Agasa stared at the two, amused at their verbal sparring.

Still, it never ceased to spook him at the…intensity of their emotional involvement in any conversation they had.  It was like the two not-children staked their entire worldview, morality versus immorality, on each exchange of words.  Of course, their individual lifestyles embodied that same argument more than any conversation could.

The door swinging open halted the latest barrage from Conan’s mouth and, from their subtle body language, Agasa decided to call this match a tie.  Besides, with Ran, Sato, and Takagi walking into the room, it was clear they had muchmore pressing business.  The fact that the two police officers were staring with an unnerving intensity at the young boy in the hospital bed only worsened his suspicions.

“Ah…Sh-Conan!  I think I’ll be going now.  Ai-chan, you can find your way home, can’t you?  Make sure you don’t trouble Conan-kun too much, remember he’s still recovering.”

Conan and Ai leveled a dark glare at the retreating doctor.  Still, the fact that the doctor had left gave them fewer variables when covering the elaborate mess that had been created in the last week.  Agasa had the undesirable tendency of speaking before thinking and, in more than one occasion, had left them with loopholes in stories that had been a real pain to cover up.

“Okay Conan, the jig’s up,” Sato said, glaring at the seven year old.

“Uh…what do you mean, mam?”  Conan asked in his best impression of absolute cluelessness.  Ai refrained from snorting admirably, but had to admit the boy had grown into a fairly good lair in the time she’d known him.  There were barely any tics she could pick up on now.

“The suspects and people you questioned were very forthcoming with the details of your conversations,” Takagi explained.  “And Detective Mouri has denied any knowledge of asking you to do anything for the case.”

Ai and Conan traded a quick look, though the detectives caught the non-verbal exchange.  Ran scowled at the two children and stepped forward, between them and the officers.  “What were you thinking, anyway, Conan?  You were up there, alone, with a murderer!  Then that impersonator showed up and tried to-“

“-To kidnap you, isn’t that right?”  Sato interrupted, laying a hand on Ran’s shoulder. “From what Mouri-san here has told us, our mystery guest was taking very deliberate care to incapacitate you, not kill you.  Seeing as he pulled a trigger less than a foot from her face, we can be fairly sure that it wasn’t because he was squeamish.”

“Maybe it’s cuz I went around saying I was Mouri-ojisan’s assistant.  He might have thought he could use me to hold hostage!”  Conan stated, trying to worm his way out of the whole he’d dug for himself.

“And I’m his daughter,” Ran said, glaring at her young charge.

“Uh…” The boy hesitated, reaching for an explanation.  In desperation, tears began to form at the corners of his eyes.  “I-I’m sorry!  I was just playing de-de-detective!  Shinichi-onisan’s been teaching me how to find clues!”

Ran’s eyes softened at that and, for a moment, he thought he’d get away.  Then Sato and Takagi traded  a quick eye contact and his hopes sank.  The two were long-time partners by this point and, if Conan was right, worked exceptionally well together.  This was beginning to get too damn complicated.

Ai raised an eyebrow, intent on the young detective.  She was actually impressed that he’d managed to summon up tears on command, though it didn’t look like it was going to do him any good.  “Any other bright ideas?”

Conan shot her a look that could have melted lead and, under his breath, hissed, “I could use a little help, you know.”

“What are you doing here anyway, Ai?” Ran asked, their attention drawn to the other child in the room.  “I know you’re concerned about Conan, but he’s probably in big trouble right now, so you better catch up Agasa-sensei.”

“I’d rather stay and watch, thanks,” Ai shrugged, the words coming out flippantly and uncaring.  All three adults stared somewhat open-mouthed at the display of attitude from the prepubescent child.

“You must have been a horriblechild,” Conan muttered, though he noticed Ai’s lips twitching again and this time it was almost a full-fledged smile.

“We’re getting off topic,” Takagi stated, “He’s distracting us again, like he does every time.  We talked about this!  The girl can stay, I just want details on Conan.  He’s been doing this kind of stuff ever since we met him!”

Conan flinched, refraining from cursing as he realized the distraction, which he’d been trying to achieve, had been seen through.  Still…“What was I trying to do, Takagi-san?”

“You know,” Takagi cried, almost yelling now.  “You find some critical piece of evidence or something and then you laugh it off like an accident

Character Index:  Japanese/English

Kudo Shinichi-Jimmy Kudo

Mouri Ran-Rachel Moore

Mouri Kogoro-Richard Moore

Kisaki Eri-Eva Kaden

Yoshida Ayumi-Amy Yoshida

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko-Mtich Tsuburaya

Kojima Genta-George Kojima

Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai-Shiho Miyano/Vi Graythorn

Suzuki Sonoko-Serena Sebastian

Hattori Heiji-Harley Hartwell

Toyama Kazuha-Kazuha Toyama

Tokyo MPD (Metro Police Department)

Megure Juzo-Joseph Meguire

Sato Miwako-Simone Miwako

Takagi Wataru-Harry Wilder

Shiratori Ninzaburo-Ninzaburo Santos

Matsumoto Kiyonaga-Kiyonaga McLaughlin


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