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Wow, two posts in two nights!

So... this is a potential quest I'm thinking of starting up on SV.  Running it as a mature-tagged thread, but relatively little sexy shenanigans.  Instead, it would largely focus on the organization and the changes to history made as a result of the players' actions.

Subsequent votes would decide what kind of group the players would be running.  Specifically, whether they would be a cult fighting other cults, a group of monster hunters, or a anti-cult society trying to quash anyone else working with mythos magic/creatures.

Players would also be free to fuck with history in big ways.  The Seven Years' War would be coming up in a few turns (turns being five years apiece), the French Revolution after that, and the Napoleonic Wars after that.  Lots of chances to muck about and create an AU timeline.

But you, my patrons, get to see the idea in beta-form early.  I'll probably make quite a few changes to the content seen here over the next few days before I make a decisions whether or not to post the initial quest prompt.  I might see about uploading a full mechanics briefing for the quest as well, just for you guys!


Sapere aude

Slayer Anderson Sapere aude An Alt. History/Cthulhu Mythos Quest 05/31/2012 They call it 'The Enlightenment.' This age you live in, they say, is full of the 'light or reason.' The great thinkers and philosophers of your time argue amongst each other over the nature of reason, what the affects...


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