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Hmm... since the thing I posted yesterday may or may not have been put up somewhere in a less polished form, I have something that I've been working on, but definitely isn't finished.

Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this one since I'm working on I'm Retired and it already has Kim Possible in it.  But at any rate, this was an SI into Ron Stoppable idea that I'd had kicking around for a while and decided to do a few snippets on to see if it worked.

I hope you enjoy.


The New Ron

The New Ron: I yawned and popped my neck as I walked out of the counselor's office. "Gotcha, thanks again for the advice Ms. Ofacheck." "You're quite welcome Ronald, and do think about what discussed. You're a smart boy, I'd hate to see that go to waste because you didn't qualify for the coll...


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