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Just letting you guys know, I'm currently attending a control group study at St. Jude's which is... not exactly in my home state.  It's kind of like a working vacation where they're paying me to take various tests and provide them with bodily fluids for comparison to patients who have had chemo and stuff.  So, anyway, the hotel's internet is absolute shit, sadly, but I'm still working on things offline when I get the chance.  Testing is exhausting, but at least St. Jude's is paying the tab for my stay.

So!  I'm going to have something up for you guys either tonight or tomorrow.  Promise.

Just wanted to let everyone know I haven't abandoned you or forgotten that I owe you some content soon.  Sorry if I've been quiet for a few days, but it was a long drive up here and they've had me tied to all sorts of machines to make sure I earn my stipend!

Hope you're all doing well and thank you again for your tremendous support over the past several months!


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