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Well, those were some surprising results for the poll, and I'm here to make my best attempt to fulfill the will of the people.  Still, expect some other stuff down the pipeline as well.  I think I'll have something for my Code Geass quest up next, but after that, I'll see about finishing Mobius' current chapter.

As it stands, only one person on my SubscribeStar bothered to vote and it was for Petal to the Metal, so The New Ron stays the winner.  Petal to the Metal will take a firm second place, though.


The New Ron

The New Ron 1: I yawned and popped my neck as I walked out of the counselor's office. "Gotcha, thanks again for the advice Ms. Ofacheck." "You're quite welcome Ronald, and do think about what was discussed. You're a smart boy, I'd hate to see that go to waste because you didn't qualify for th...


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