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Sorry this is a day or so late.  I was feeling a little burned out, so I took a night off to just chill and watch mindless youtube videos.  Recharge my batteries and stuff.

But now I'm back!  So given that the poll is almost closed, it's looking like The New Ron is going to win by a landslide.  I'll try to still post some other stuff too, though, both to ease the oppression of the minority voters and to ease my own burnout on any given story so that it remains viable long-term.

Rock on everybody and thanks again for all your support!


The New Ron

The New Ron 1: I yawned and popped my neck as I walked out of the counselor's office. "Gotcha, thanks again for the advice Ms. Ofacheck." "You're quite welcome Ronald, and do think about what was discussed. You're a smart boy, I'd hate to see that go to waste because you didn't qualify for th...


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