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Ugh, holidays man.  Holidays.

Yeah, anyway, my parents took a road trip and left me with more responsibilities than usual, so there was less time to write in general.  This chapter was also really hard to write for some reason, but I think I managed it well enough.  Next chapter will be closing up this arc and dealing with the leftover fallout for Kim & Ron.

It will also be in a new document, because this one is getting a little long in the tooth now.

Hope everyone is having a good time out there and thank you once again for supporting me.  I should have another chapter of Industrious out before the weekend for those more interested in that.


The New Ron

The New Ron 1: I yawned and popped my neck as I walked out of the counselor's office. "Gotcha, thanks again for the advice Ms. Ofacheck." "You're quite welcome Ronald, and do think about what was discussed. You're a smart boy, I'd hate to see that go to waste because you didn't qualify for th...


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