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I'm sure it's still technically November somewhere in the world, even if just barely, so I'll count this as a win.  I'm really sorry about this, I was supposed to have this done yesterday, but I cut the shit out of my hand on a piece of sheet metal and had to get stitches.  Typing has needed a lot more care and attention to avoid aggravating my injury.  Still, this chapter's also extra-long as a result of that care and attention, so it's something of a win for you guys as well.

I'll have the monthly poll out shortly for December, so look forward to that as well.  I wonder which project will get the most attention this month?  (Ha-ha)


Industrious Chapter 11-20

Chapter 11: I clenched my fists so hard each knuckle popped in sequence as I stared at Obito, my eyes tracking him off to my right side and my face blank. The obvious answer to his thrown gauntlet was to refuse.


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