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Well, I'm finally happy with this, so here it goes.

This is the chapter that will make or break this story, though either way I think I'll have two more chapters in me to finish out the first 'arc.'  Depending on reception and how I feel about things at that point, I'll either can the story or develop it further.  Right now I'm feeling like it's better as a short concept piece, but that might change.

Either way, next chapter is Industrious and it should be up in a few days.  Until then, thanks again for all the support and you're all wonderful people!


Winning Peace

Slayer Anderson Winning Peace A Mass Effect - Inspired Inventor Fanfiction 12/26/2022 Chapter 1: "-and now, for one of his rare public appearances, I'd like everyone to give a very warm welcome to the United North American States' favorite child genius: Ezekiel Horus Lopez!" Receiving the no...


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