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So, here's what my life has been like for the past 48 hours.  Thursday night had a massive storm change direction and intensify with very little warning, so I had to get out at 1AM to drag in lawn furniture so it wouldn't get blown away by 80-90mph (up to 145kph) winds.  After the storm hit, it knocked out power in the first hour.  Yesterday, I got up to find that a dozen power poles had been snapped lie twigs on the street outside my subdivision and 3/4's of my city was without power.  After spending the day gathering up broken branches, fixing fences, and making sure none of our friends or family were injured or without a home (they weren't, thankfully), I came home to shower in my pitch-black 90F (34C) bedroom.

This chapter is brought to you by my brother, who is out of town, and had the wild luck to have his home come through with both power and electricity.  Also due to the fact that my entire weekend has cleared of social engagements for some strange reason.  Thankfully, it seems like the gas stations and grocery stores are getting their power back now, so it appears the bulk of the emergency has passed.

Thank you for all of your support and patience.  I appreciate it from the very core of my being.  This chapter is extra-long in recognition of that fact.


Winning Peace

Slayer Anderson Winning Peace A Mass Effect - Inspired Inventor Fanfiction 12/26/2022 Chapter 1: "-and now, for one of his rare public appearances, I'd like everyone to give a very warm welcome to the United North American States' favorite child genius: Ezekiel Horus Lopez!" Receiving the no...


Robert H.

Good stuff. I'm glad he has a handle on the terrorist problem on Earth.


That very last line of his new technology has me wondering what madness he's going to unleash next. The adversary, and later the citadel races, are not going to know what hit them.


Thank God he has the Aperture Science technologies. He can now give the AIs more personality. (And a small amount of neurotoxin.)


Oh god, he got himself the technology for _companion cubes_. More seriously, I'm liking how this is going so far. Nice to see him finally taking some time off. For all that we've seen a bunch of him, we never really see much of him having fun.

Guilherme Bezerra

That last line... damn but this is going to change things again.

Jaroslaw Jarmul

Aperture Science. At least there is a ethical source for test subjects. Dire and his group. And with Dire having his own version of the MC power there is a lot of potential for SCIENCE. Also tech development officially went of any common sense rails.


"Aperture Science Technologies: 1-10 (New)" Best way to handle your enemies; do what you must, because you can.


It's also fun because Aperture Science isn't a tech tree in the normal sense, they do all kinds of wild shit.


Yikes. That’s a shitstorm of problems, but thanks for getting the chapter out anyway. Still loving this story.