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Here we go!  The last of this turn's interlude/actions/phases/etc...

Ha!  It's finally over!  The beast is slain!


Next up will be Nexus, I think.  Need to have a little fun with something silly.  Either that or a potential quest thing.  Have to see.

Edit: Also, another two days on the poll!  Remember to vote!


Semper ad Meliora

Turn 10 (Phase II) The first indication you have that something has gone horribly wrong is when Li Xingke bursts into your office without an appointment, trailed closely by Kaguya Sumeragi. This is unusual for a number of reasons, but specifically because both are sticklers for protocol and etiq...


Yichi Zhang

Whoo, turn 10 is finally coming to an end! ...why do I get the feeling turn 11 will be even more of a mess? Lelouch is going to have a lot of people who want to talk to him... As for the things revealed here... heh, Cornelia really did launch her invasion at the same time. And what are Anastasia and Marianne hinting at? Is Anastasia working with OSI or the Geass Directorate? Maybe Kanon losing an arm will make Schneizel reconsider... although considering that it's Schneizel, probably not.


Hoo boy, things are wild. I almost wish we would have switched who was sent where. But I would say that no matter what, and I would have missed nunnally drooling over the empress.


I knew we should have gone to Pendragon instead, one more chance of meeting C.C lost

Draconic Hermit

I love how Emperor Chuck just laughed his ass off when he heard about his son pulling his bullshit.