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Alright!  That's the introduction to this story done!

Next comes the meat of the matter, though there will be some bridging material for a chapter or two as Ray gets set up in his new world and armed to the teeth to help the Steve and Bucky hunt down Hydra.

That will be for later, though.  Next up on the docket is a chapter of Winning Peace, though I may sneak a quest update out over the weekend first.

Once again, I can't thank you guys, gals, and non-binary pals enough for all the help and support you're giving me.  Rock on, have a safe weekend, and enjoy the new chapter!


Industrious: Engineering Marvels

Chapter 1: I spiraled through the endless abyss between worlds. Time and space ceased to have any meaning. My conscious mind was splintered. Random images from my life on Earth and the Elemental Nations flashed before me. The orphanage matrons, my parents, childhood friends, lonely days rea...


gaouw ganteng

Very nice. Hopefully MC can control the ugliness that came from winning the war like Paperclip and the US's bloodthirst in Asia.


Man I can't wait to see the ripples from this or how Erik and his relationship will go as well as how a Magneto who is around a Stark can develop, just think of it the man of Magnetism with one of the men of the future as well as the MC


I think you mean chapter 4


Also forgot to mention foremost expert on medicine in the world now or ever. Just that alone would earn him a spot on the payroll (once verified). Also poor sods don’t know how long this guy will live, or how hard inflation hits. They should just be glad he didn’t say after tax. Granted they actually come off having gained way more than $100k worth having someone like that on the payroll for perpetuity.


AS it slowly startingto happen in the OG story I would prefer if MC help the plot in the back, together with Carter and Start Having Inspired Inventor and going to the front lines is strange

Sage Berthelsen

Fuck this storyline is epic! Great stuff

Slayer Anderson

Ray’s rationale will be explained in the next chapter, but it’s part of his resolution to be more active and ‘hands-on’ about things.

Slayer Anderson

He honestly could have asked for a billion dollars every year and they’d still come out ahead pretty easily, but there’s no reason to gouge like that when he plans on having other steams of income as well.


The Air Force didn’t exist at this point in time as an independent branch. It was still a part of the Army, as the Army Air Forces, so inter-branch rivalry would be anachronistic.


Really interested in this one and hope to read more!


I wonder if he will mention some of the stupid stuff that has gone down though the years. Idiot scientists messing around with the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core , British scientists messing around long term with nerve gas (https://www.theguardian.com/uk/1999/sep/03/freedomofinformation.politics), etc...

Slayer Anderson

The nerve gas thing is a bit of a ways off considering WWII hasn't finished yet, but the Demon Core might get name-dropped. There are a wide array of historical topics that will come up for Ray to rant about, though.