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The conversation with Frank and Harry continues, then concludes!  Ray sets himself up to become very, very wealthy indeed as the future unfolds, but the mystery of the secretary looms large!

Next up is likely another mainline chapter of Industrious.  After that, I'm thinking about Winning Peace.

Happy Holidays to all and stay awesome!


Industrious: Engineering Marvels

Chapter 1: I spiraled through the endless abyss between worlds. Time and space ceased to have any meaning. My conscious mind was splintered. Random images from my life on Earth and the Elemental Nations flashed before me. The orphanage matrons, my parents, childhood friends, lonely days rea...


Slayer Anderson

I have to say, sometimes this one feels less like a story and more like a history report.

Adam Daw

That ending was great 🤣🤣


I like this story, it's pretty nice.

Guilherme Bezerra

Certainly weird to think one guy will be influencing foreign policy in such a strange way. Time travel does lead to some strange consequences when taken seriously like that. So not only mutants will never come to be, the MC actually managed to give the politicians a sane alternative instead of the usual madness with rising superpowered populations. Frankly the only time I ever seen the government being long term decent, not really good but at least competent, in dealing with superpowers was with Invincible's GDA.


Wow will Cain even get the Crimson Gem, and I love the Gundam Reference with Newtypes much better then Charles Superior BS. Actually considering that Steve will likely be found when he goes under the Ice pretty fast with the MC and Howard looking an Bucky as well. What does that mean for them since their SS formulas should keep them Young if not Middle Aged well into the 2000s, how will that affect things, or the MC helping Howard with the Arc reactors decades early. Or how he might be able to get major ground with the Wakandians seeing as he can likely try to talk to Bast to convince them to help him prepare for things. As bad as wakanda can be they are are at least hidden enough to be useful in the background. Actually considering that he has Ki/Chakra will he use charges to get the BS Magical/Ki martial arts of the Immortal Cities like Kunlun. Since that would be really useful for him, Steve and Bucky with their well Beyond Human Physiques that would benefit from having Martial arts designed for Superhumans with the usefulness of Ki arts.


That is exactly how I felt. And I genuinely don’t know if you just fucked the world over or not. On the one hand AIPAC doesn’t get founded for another 20 years, and Henry Kissinger has not yet twisted American values with ends justifying the means and all the BS he did (even if it benefited the US a lot). So American foreign policy (and internal) is a lot more (not sure what the right word is so I’ll go with) moral(?). So I can see this heading in 2 ways the info and aid he provides (plus he can form his own lobby groups to make sure he pushes for some causes before they boil over), or we can see a repeat of history but a lot more brutally due to info that would be hard to gain without the benefit of hindsight or straight up enemy intelligence. His ability to advance tech would mean he can advance America fast enough to not need aggressive foreign policy, and maybe the UN would actually be what it’s intended to be. Resulting in an increased standard of living world wide. Now if we also add in the Marvel aspects of the universe, we know there are multiple branches of the human race, and magic, and aliens, and well it’s marvel. So working towards a united world to face outside threats could be feasible before the new millennium rolls around. He does have a meeting coming up with the British people, and if he can get them to ease up on the colonial aspects of their government sooner than in our world then it could potentially be used as a way to establish peace in the Asian and African countries. A lot of wars over Oil can be avoided with some green alternatives like an arc reactor. Would also do a world of good for global climate/environmental issues. The advancement of the USA that fast would also result in Wakanda being less isolationist. Well if you pair it with a less destabilised Africa. Half the comic book bad guys have a backstory of “the government fucked me over” so there is also that. And the biggest miracle of all, he can stop Detroit from being the Detroit we know (need to throw in a Detroit joke).


If this became your main story, I wouldn’t complain


I'm like... 95% sure that in MCU Hydra did JFK via Bucky.

Slayer Anderson

Considering the British are, as implied, going to ask for any and all information that would allow them to keep their colonial empire together for as long as possible, you're probably going to be facing disappointment in that area. There are geopolitical complexities at play for the British at this point in time that make an anti-colonial political platform effectively career suicide. The heart of the matter is that the British public is, by and large, pro-colonialism and will remain so for at least the next two decades. WWI & II were fought, in their minds at least, in large part to keep their colonial holdings safe from other powers. Releasing them in the wake of the wars would essentially state that all the sacrifices they'd endured would be for nothing. So the British are still going to fight de-colonialization tooth and nail. As far as oil goes, there's still going to be a boom in exploitation there, simply due to its usefulness. Even if arc reactors and nuclear are hugely spurred on by Ray's efforts, petroleum still sees massive applications in insulation, lubrication, plastics, dyes, detergents, and agricultural fields. Ray is going to greatly change things, make no mistake, but there are limits on how much can be changed in the modern world, sadly.

Slayer Anderson

That ties in with America's cultural themes of individuality being the ultimate good. For better or worse, when displaying the efforts of lone superheroes or small groups of them as the best force for good, it means that larger collectivist efforts will almost always get the short end of the stick. The fact that it makes narrative structures for stories easier to compose is a happy coincidence as well.

Slayer Anderson

There's so many Marvel continuities that it's hard to pin that down. For instance, there's a throwaway line about Magneto being responsible for the 'Magic Bullet' that killed Kennedy in the Days of Future Past movie.

Slayer Anderson

Shit's going to get wild, is all I can say. Expect things to go off the rails shortly after the war, if not before then.