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Okay!  That's the last post for 2023, up and ready to go.  It's been a great year, I think, but it's time to move on.  Speedrun, noticeably, is just not getting enough traction for the last several months, so it is with great sadness that I'm going to move it off the monthly popularity poll.

That's not to say I won't be updating it occasionally, though.  It'll just rely on whenever I have a spare day or two to whip up a chapter.

Nexus Even will be taking Speedrun's place, so there will still be five options.

Lastly, I'll be posting an announcement tomorrow for restructuring a few things as I stated at the end of November.  Nothing huge, all benefits will structurally stay the same, but things will be a little different going forward into 2024.

Happy New Year and Thanks for All Your Support!  It's been an amazing year!


Speedrun: Chpaters 23-30

23: "You look different than I thought you would." I shrugged at the first words Toph spoke to me when we met again in a quiet field outside of the city. It wasn't too far from the underground arena where the tournaments were held, but there was enough distance between the two for it to be is...



Awe :<, sad to hear it's off the popular pole. Thank you for another chapter

Slayer Anderson

Hopefully this will actually mean it gets more attention, since I can work on it whenever I feel like instead of tying it to popularity.

Jeffrey Gassenheimer

Woo speedrun chapter! And Tenko obliterates everyone again. Though I am curious why Hawks tried to fight him? Wasn’t he just a spy and did he not notice the entire MLA getting spiked?

gaouw ganteng

It's not that it's bad. It's just that WP and Indy is much more fun. Especially the impending "archeological find of the ages" in WP and Cyber!Kushina shenanigans.

Jeffrey Gassenheimer

Yeah, but like, Hawks was there when Dabi revealed all the bullshit in canon and didn't suddenly go "actually terrorism is okay now"

Slayer Anderson

Completely different situation. The MLA had already joined forces with the League of Villains, Endeavor had already become the #1, and had undergone... well, at least *some* character growth by that point in time. In this scenario, Endeavor has been arrested and tried for crimes, his entire legacy effectively destroyed before he could even challenge All Might, and the MLA is still going strong as an independent ideological organization. Even then, Hawks isn't so much in it for the MLA as to see All Might held responsible for taking down Hawks' personal hero.

Jeffrey Gassenheimer

My point is that hawks canonically believes in being a hero, above and beyond liking endeavor. He infiltrated the league, because the HPSC told him to and it was his job, but he wasn’t actually cool with terrorism and fighting heroes, and “Endeavor is an asshole actually” came out at a much worse time in a much less stable society and that didn’t change Hawks philosophy at all. I do not buy “hawks cares about holding AM responsible for punishing endeavor, to the point that he’s down to fight alongside terrorists”

Slayer Anderson

Hmm... I'll consider alterations, but Hawks always struck me as having rather inscrutable motivations and being a psychologically unstable child soldier even at the best of times.

Jeffrey Gassenheimer

I mean, sure, he’s not as down with the “hero system” as the other top pros like AM, Endeavor and Jeanist, (expressing a desire to be lower ranked so he would have less restrictions on him) he is fully commited to the duties of a hero, and it’s show that the strain of pretending to serve the league in order to spy on them in canon weighs on him heavily

Slayer Anderson

Added some changes. Hawks has been (partially) mindfucked by one of the MLA and the effect hasn't cleared out of his system yet. Will be addressed next chapter more fully. Likely reveal was that he was being puppeted to be the new 'face of the revolution' or some such.