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This has kind of exploded in length, so I'll probably need to extend the whole thing out further than I was planning.  But that's for another day.

Anyway, with this done it's back to Industrious!  I think I'll be working on a Marvel chapter next.

After that... hmm, maybe a chapter of the Naruto timeline?  Or possibly something different.  I don't know at the moment, might be a surprise.


Semper ad Meliora - Document 2

Turn 10 - Rumor Mill: Britannian Empire: In large part, this year had seemed to be a continuation of the previous one. The better part of the year is peaceful and allows the whole of the empire of fall into a false sense of complacency as the war in the MEF grinds on, press conferences are held,...



While I was hoping for "Red" this was really great. Also the cliffhangers somehow get more and more evil with every update.

Yichi Zhang

Ah, the "do we trust dad" vote. It's a shame nobody used an OOC question on that :v I wasn't really expecting this action to result in further antagonizing Japan, though it's something Lelouch probably had to do anyway. Maybe we can get Suzaku's canon patricide to happen!