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Titular Pitstop Puddin is slimming down after a summer away with her decadent vampire queen aunt Lady Luljetta and Tetonya Melonz is charged with whipping our girl into shape. But it seems Puddin has gotten into it? Fit spot puddin is born. But in preparation for an upcoming bodybuilder bikini competition one cannot shred enough. Tetonya seems to have “found puddins lost pounds!!” Here’s some pages of Tetonya taking charge and letting herself go but does it seem like maybe Puddin is enjoying seeing her coach bodyguard and girlfriend indulge herself more and more?

How long can this last. Featured also is Puddin falling back off the wagon….what goes up just comes down again it seems.

Progress on the comic has been a little show this month but I got more to share. Current eta with remaining unsketches pages and inks is sometime in late January or early February. Once all page dialogue is finished an early version will be available tho. Stay tuned!! Also ofc give me any feedback or ask questions about art. I know it’s been a little quiet here and I aim to change that soon. New commission tier coming back soon? Find out…



Gepfu Geppu

Seeing Tetonya grow a big fat gut and let out those sexy burps is so hot 🥵🥵