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Season 9 hitting like a blitz in strong with this one..this is going to be an insane ride lmfaoo! We back with more madness in Philadelphia! Some of you guys have said Season 8 has been the best season for you..I'm excited to see for myself now. Starting off absolutely bonkers with the first episode, let's get into it!

EP 1: https://youtu.be/3xiKe6qtwLU

EP 1 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/950782842/15e0793ab4?share=copy

EP 2: https://youtu.be/UXt3bkYXUmQ

EP 2 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/950788017/00419f5416?share=copy



Jay Davis

Season 9 is just as strong as seasons 7 and 8. It's got some awesome callbacks, fantastic writing, some really cool appearances, and they try some new ideas that really work. And it stays strong through Season 12.


Nice call on "The Game" in episode one. Always felt "The Gang Broke Dee" was a f'd up tribute to that film.