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Hopping fresh into Season 5 with Better Call Saul. MORE CRAZY ACTIVITY. I can already sense the madness that'll be in this season. Hope we dive deeper into some of our characters too! Lots to give with all the pieces on the board...I'm hyped!

(let me know if there's any difficulties with the links. Try the one in the email notifications.)

EP 7: https://youtu.be/KQRjcN1olEk

EP 7 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/886205042/c6b5cbc016?share=copy

EP 8: https://youtu.be/KTa83SfdIgs

EP 8 Uncut: https://vimeo.com/886208115/f3dbba75b8?share=copy




just joined patreon; super surprised that you're already in season 5 wtf :D thought it was gonna be like 2-3 episodes ahead. sweet.

neez duts

do you think the twins just trash talk people with eachother when nobody's around? xD