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Sorry I've been so MIA lately, I think I just burned myself out there a little and then I had some family come in from out of town and we went to Epcot the other day. It was nice and almost felt, normal, minus the masks and rude people that wouldn't give us space but...I almost wonder if anything will feel truly normal again. I kind of let it slip that I've been writing but didn't tell them what about, that was almost a bad scene. Anyways, how is everyone doing?


Mitch Underhill

Ain't anything wrong with taking time to try to feel normal. I'm doing pretty well. Working my way through a writing project. It's slow but fun.


Just a normali weekend. Don't betray yourself, otherwise you will not remain the secret slut. Not secret anymore at least 😉

Dave ACY

You should never feel bad for having family time, or carving out time for feeling normal Been working around my house getting odds & ends done before going on vacation next week. Time to recharge & feel normal myself 🙃


Hey. Maggie. Like everyone else is saying, don't feel bad. Way things are right now, people just need to keep sane, keep happy, enjoy life. Write when you feel like writing and when you don't? Don't.


As for me, I'm an essential worker so I've been going non stop since this whole mess started. In face this coming week I'm finally getting a few days off, so I'm looking forward to just relaxing a little and maybe doing a few day trips and get away for a bit to the beach, the forest, somewhere not here. Other than being busy, I'm doing well. Just keeping it zen day by day. And thanks for asking! :)

Ferris Beuller

Glad you have had a bit of unwinding time. You always need to give yourself some time just to have some fun, be it innocent or naughty ;) As for me, just been busy with work and about to go away on business for a week. Need to have some time off myself soon.