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So today I was the tour guide around Hollywood Studios. The park was very busy but we managed to get on Toy Story, Star Tours (twice) and Smugglers Run. But the whole time we constantly had people on top of us ignoring social distancing. I had some little kid constantly standing next to me in the line at Star Tours until finally I had enough and said, "Sorry kid, but you're just too young for me." His father chimed in and said, "sorry kiddo" but did nothing to actually give us space until a cast member saw and asked if they were in our party and when we said no he asked them to stand back and respect social distancing. Later we stood in the Smugglers Run line which was a 50 minute wait and half way through the same guy shows up with his kid and says, "hey! remember us? we met in the Star Tours line, you see my son can't really wait in such a long line so do you mind if we go ahead of you?" I was thinking FUCK NO! but instead said kindly, sorry but no.  I just don't understand, the country is average 55,000 new cases each day this week and yet people walk on top of one another, won't wear masks properly and wonder why the virus is still around. Thankfully I was able to deal with stress when I got home with a hot shower and some "laundry"


Ferris Beuller

50 minute lines! OMG! Glad you got your laundry done :D