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Not as many poster requests this time around, but there were are a few animations.


If you watched last couple of streams, you might notice there are a couple missing animations. I updated a model without paying attention and it broke a couple of the scenes. Thankfully they just need some fixing and they'll be good as new. I just think it would be better to just post what I got for now.

I was planning on starting the stream a couple of hours ago, but I've been fighting my computer again trying to keep it from crashing. It just started having issues again so I need to figure that out and since it's already getting later in the day, I figure I should just spend this time to try and figure out my computer and stream on Friday and Saturday instead. 

As for the Brigitte animation, I've made it a little too complicated and it's not ready yet. I'm going to try finish it up real soon.

Sorry for the delays.




Facesitting content = best content


are you going to animate this thumbnail one?


I definitely will if one of the animation tier requests it. It has happened before.

Mud man

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