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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jgeoj7todbmgn6juwr4d1/SM.3-FULL-Chaos-erupting-in-the-character-quiz-show...-Emergency...-The-Game-Caterers-X-SM.mp4?rlkey=g9kdcuuthodtstvblda4hn2ta&st=brm8camt&dl=0

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SM.3 FULLㅣChaos erupting in the character quiz show... Emergency...ㅣ The Game Caterers X SM.mp4

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Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

At least suho was good at this game. You said why he is so good is because suho know so many celebrities some are also his classmates or they wen same college plus he is also actor he did movie and kdrama. I mis sm artist collaboration the last song they play in background was dear family my favorite SM artist collaboration song. Thanks musa it's was short only three episodes but i enjoy alot.