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She is....I don't even know lol. Let me know what you think below!

DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/66lezk6jokiftk1yqxkb2/Call-Me-Bae-EP2.mp4?rlkey=bhjrtb877zeu5l81att3bvb8k&st=y2szrtim&dl=0

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She is jokes lol. And the music in this series is firee 🔥Also just wanted to add that there are a bunch of "Bae" puns that make sense in hindi. You saw one where she did a #bae-ghar (beghar in hindi means homeless). The last episode especially no spoilers is gonna have a bunch of bae hashtags that had me dead 😭 I'll try and make a list that translates those words for you that you can look at before or during watching the last episode (will send dm) 😊


"Kindness never goes out of fashion"-Perfecto!

Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

I haven't saw any ananya movie but i like her btw musa ananya pandey is the daughter of the guy who was housefull who always said i'm joking he was also 19s actor.