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 Age: 20

Likes: Posing, writing , drawing , animals and tatoos

Dislikes : When she has to cut her hair, Being too much time alone and her own temper

Other dates: They are the most weird case of Siamese Brothers in the world... Everything began when they were born... At the begginig Ina had serious problems with her doctors because in her prenatal development specially in her ECO appeared 1 girl suddenly in the next appeared 2 girls and the next month .... 3 Girls! Then in the final time of her pregnant she gave birth a One girl... The real problem was when they were growing up...

How come? Easy... first the girl had a good temper ( Mitsuki ) but suddenly she gets mad and starts crying without any reason ( Yuuki ) O sometimes she doesn't cry ( Hanna ) as if the little girl has different personalities... Ina got scared and a little sad because the doctor coudn't explain her problem she went to MALI TBASALA to see what happen.

It took to mali 3 years to explain it... A day she saw something different with Hanna... Hanna was talking With somebody and a different voice was talking to her not only one. It looks like she were talking with 2 Persons totally different plus herself. when Mali watched closely she could understand it... Hanna has 2 sister but, They share the same body as a Siamese Girls... 



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